Busting PR Myths

When PR is correctly integrated into your marketing mix it can be one of the most powerful assests in your tool box. However, for some it can be a confusing and under utilised resource.

If PR isn’t a skill you have in house and you are unsure of how it could help, then the PR Simplified guide is for you.

In this new information series we help to break down what PR is, how it works and help to demystify some of the common PR myths.

From PR being too expensive to there being no way of measuring success, we provide honest, simple answers to your biggest concerns to help you to make an informed decision.

Obviously, there is a cost involved in using PR within your business. However, it doesn’t have to be as costly as you might think. There are ways of creating flexible, affordable packages which still deliver great results but don’t break the bank. Look at your marketing budget and how you can maximise campaigns through using PR. Build in small bursts of activity consistently throughout the year which work with your core goals. You can get good results with a budget of just £500, it is about getting flexible support which meets your goals.

Find out more about maximising your PR budget in How to get the most out of your PR budget

PR is a skill like any other profession and with out the right training and expertise you put your business at risk. Good PR isnt just about sending out press releases to journalists and hoping they get used. It is about knowing what kind of stories will benefit your business, how to manage your reputation and how to make sure reporters use all the information and key messages you want. Good PR professionsals look at a story like a journalist so see things you won’t even have thought of. Get it wrong and it can have disastrous consequences for a company.

Read all about PR mistakes that could have been avoided in PR fails and how to avoid them

PR is a way of getting your business out to a wider, engaged audience. It helps to increase brand awareness and boost your SEO to improve your chances of being found. Put simply PR, or public relations, is the art of getting your business featured in regional, national or trade publications such as newspapers, magazines, radio or TV. The art is in getting the publictaion to be interested in your business. They get hundreds of pitches every day so if you are successful it is a great opportunity to stand out and reach hundreds of thousands of people from your local area or who are specifically interested in your industry.

Find out more in What is PR and how can it help my business

One of the biggest skills in getting PR right is making sure that your story reflects your key messaging. That is why using a professional is so important. Journalists aren’t trying to print ‘lies’ they have to follow a professional code of conduct. However, they do make their own opinions on stories and look to add a balanced perspective. This means your press release won’t be printed as you present it, it can be changed. What you think is an innocent comment might take your story down a completely different path, so it is about being aware of how you present your information, identifying the risks and briefing the reporter properly to create the perfect story. Always get advice, PR professionals have been doing this a lot longer and will point out risks and elements which strengthen your story that you might not even have thought of.

Find out more in What to do if a journalist prints an error about your business

It is true that regional newspaper sales have dropped over recent years with the rise in digital and other news platforms. However, they are still very much considered a good source of verified local news. Read by thousands in the community they are also available in libraries, cafes and businesses locally creating high visibility in a specific area. Connected to other digital, broadcast and even national publications it might also surprise you the reach that they do have.

Find out more about how regional PR can support your business in helping iwth recruitment, SEO and brand awareness in Regional PR a dying art or a powerful ally

Individuals usually hear about a product or service 7 times before choosing to buy. So, it is true that measuring can be difficult as often individuals list the last place they saw you rather than all of the different marketing channels. However, there are simple ways to measure the effectiveness of your PR and find out how well it is raising awareness of your brand.

Find out more about how to measure the success of your PR campaign and the questions you should be asking your PR specialist in How do I know if my PR is working

PR is simply about getting your message to a wider audience. There are plenty of ways that it can support existing marketing plans and with the right approach can be a huge benefit to businesses of all sizes. It is all about planning and creating the right mix of activity which benefits you and your corporate goals. Look at ways to maximise your budget, for a flexible, affordable approach that works around other activity.

If you want tips on how to get big budget results at an affordable price read How to get the most out of your PR budget

PR isn’t for everyone and there are lots of ways to market your business. However, it is good to use a mixture of techniques if you want to maximise results.

Studies show individuals usually hear about a business around 7 times before they chose to buy, that means you need to engage people in lots of ways to keep potential clients interested.

I have found some of my clients best social media posts come from sharing their PR coverage. Remember PR is about more than just the coverage in the newspaper or online it is about the potential for further engagement. The content it creates for your website, on social media, in network meetings talking about your business, your newsletter or even framing and putting on your wall. Added to your marketing mix PR is a great way to spread your message further and engage with new audiences as well as reminding existing audiences about your successes.

Read What is PR and how can it help my business to find out more

As PR involves looking for editorial rather than advertising opportunities there are no gurantees that a media publication will use your story. You ar enot buying space in a paper or on air, you are putting a suggestion forward of something newsworthy for a reporter to feature. However, a good PR professional will know what makes a good story, what their media contacts will be interested in and where is likely to place your story. They certainly cannot guarantee you coverage but at Creative Word PR I have never had a client not have coverage in their key target press. If I don’t think a story is strong enough I won’t cover it. It is right there are no guarantees as it all depends on the news cycle and strength of the story. However, there are ways to make sure you get good results every time.

Read more about how PR works in What is PR and how can it help my business